Questions to Address in Disease Biology - David Altshuler

Good Hdl Level - Questions to Address in Disease Biology - David Altshuler.
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Good Hdl Level ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It isn't outcome that the real about Good Hdl Level . You check out this article for information about an individual wish to know is Good Hdl Level .

How is Questions to Address in Disease Biology - David Altshuler

Questions to Address in Disease Biology - David Altshuler Video Clips. Duration : 27.57 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Good Hdl Level . June 5-6, 2012 - Establishing a Central Resource of Data from Genome Sequencing Projects Workshop More:
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Normal Range Of Cholesterol Levels - What Are Your Numbers?

Good Hdl Level - Normal Range Of Cholesterol Levels - What Are Your Numbers?. The content is good quality and useful content, Which is new is that you simply never knew before that I do know is that I even have discovered. Prior to the unique. It is now near to enter destination Normal Range Of Cholesterol Levels - What Are Your Numbers?.

Do you know about - Normal Range Of Cholesterol Levels - What Are Your Numbers?

Good Hdl Level! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Cholesterol is a fatty, waxy substance found in foods, and produced by our liver. It is used to protect nerves, construct cell tissues, and make certain hormones. Cholesterol is a very important substance, and is needed in small quantities for the body to function correctly. In high quantities, however, it can have an adverse effect on our health.

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How is Normal Range Of Cholesterol Levels - What Are Your Numbers?

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Your cholesterol level is measured in milligrams per deciliter of blood (mg/dL) - there three measures - one for HDL cholesterol, which is the 'good' kind of cholesterol, one for LDL cholesterol, which is the 'bad' kind, and one for your triglyceride level. Your optimal cholesterol levels will vary depending on your height, weight, gender, age, blood pressure, and a number of other hereditary and lifestyle factors - including whether or not you smoke.

What Is Total Blood Cholesterol Level?

If your levels of HDL, LDL, and triglyceride cholesterol are within normal limits, and your total cholesterol level is less than 200mg/dL, then you are classified as having a low risk for developing coronary heart disease and other cholesterol related conditions. A total cholesterol level of between 200-239 is considered to be borderline-high risk for such conditions, and if your LDL count is high, while your HDL levels are low, then you may be considered to be in a high risk group. A total cholesterol level of 240mg/dL or more means that you have more than double the risk of developing coronary heart disease than someone with a desirable level or cholesterol.

HDL Cholesterol Levels: The Good Kind

Men should aim to have more than 40mg/dL of HDL cholesterol, and women should aim for more than 50mg/dL of HDL cholesterol. A HDL Cholesterol level of more than 60 mg/dL can offer a safeguard against certain cardiac complications. The average level is slightly lower than that for both men and women, and levels are reduced by smoking, and by obesity. To increase and maintain a high HDL level, you should try to stop smoking, eat a healthy diet, and get a lot of exercise.

Generally, people with a high triglyceride level have a low HDL level, and are more at risk of a heart attack or stroke.

LDL Cholesterol Levels: The Bad Kind

Having "low cores" can sometimes be good. That's the case with LDL cholesterol levels. Having a lower LDL level means that you have a lower risk for developing heart problems. And that is GOOD news! Usually, LDL levels less than 100mg/dL implies an optimal level of LDL while LDL levels of 190mg/dL or higher may pose a serious threat to your health.

What Is Your Triglyceride Level?

Triglycerides are a fat that is produced by our body. In general if you have a high triglyceride level it is likely that your total cholesterol level will also be high, as well as your LDL cholesterol level. People with a high triglyceride level usually have a low HDL level.

The optimal level for triglyceride is below 150mg/dL. You are considered at risk if your triglyceride level is higher than 500mg/dL. Risk factors for high triglyceride levels include obesity, smoking, alcohol consumption, and physical inactivity. A high carbohydrate diet can also lead to a high triglyceride level.

Knowledge is power. Now that you have a better understanding of cholesterol levels, what will you do with this information? Your goal should be too increase the good cholesterol levels (HDL) and lower the bad ones (LDL). Small changes in your lifestyle and eating habits can make big differences. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose...except perhaps excessive LDL cholesterol levels.

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A1c and Your Blood Glucose

Glucose Levels - A1c and Your Blood Glucose. The content is nice quality and useful content, Which is new is that you just never knew before that I know is that I even have discovered. Before the distinctive. It's now near to enter destination A1c and Your Blood Glucose.

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Glucose Levels! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Keeping an eye on glucose levels at home by using a glucose monitor shows you exactly where your bloodstream sugar level stands at that particular time. However, wouldn't you love to learn how you are doing on an over-all basis?

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How is A1c and Your Blood Glucose

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Your A1c test (often called hemoglobin A1c or HbA1c) unveils your typical glucose amount during the last 2 to 3 months. The outcome will provide you with an idea of how successfully your blood sugar approach is doing.

An A1c test determines just how much hemoglobin (an important protein inside red blood cells that delivers necessary oxygen) is lined with sugar. The larger the A1c level, the much worse the blood sugar management. If you have previously been informed you have diabetes mellitus, the larger the actual A1c level the greater your chances of having even more serious complications.

How does an A1c test gaze back in time?

In the event your sugar levels had been elevated a week ago, it means extra glucose affixed itself to the hemoglobin. Now today, assume that your blood sugar levels are back under control. Regardless, your red blood cells maintain the "memory" of the prior week's higher levels.

The history may differ because old red blood cells die-off and brand new ones take the place of them. The level of A1c inside the blood reveals blood sugar maintenance within the last four months, which is usually the life-span of red blood cells.

A1c numbers

For an individual without diabetes mellitus, usual A1c amounts can vary from 5-6 percent. Someone who has had unmanaged blood glucose for a long time might well have levels above 9 percent.

In the event a level of 6.5 percent or more is found on two separate tests, this means that you have problems with diabetes. Numbers between 5.7 and 6.4 percent are known as prediabetes, meaning an even greater possibility of getting diabetes mellitus.

For most people who have already been clinically determined to have diabetic issues, amounts of 7 percent or even under is a frequently used objective. Higher desired goals could be chosen for a few people. But if your A1c level is more than your target, your doctor may well suggest a change in your treatment.

Try to remember, the higher the A1c level, the higher your likelihood of additional health issues. How often you need A1c tests is based upon the type of diabetes mellitus you have, your current treatment technique as well as how well you are taking care of your sugar levels. By way of example, the A1c exams may be advised:

Each and every 6 months should you have type two diabetes if you don't require the hormone insulin, and if sugar levels are usually in the target area

3 or 4 times annually should you have type one diabetes

4 times each and every year if you have type two diabetes when you require the hormone insulin, or have a problem trying to keep sugar levels inside the target range

More A1c assessment could be required if your medical doctor changes your treatment as well as if you start to take another type of prescription medication.


Although the A1c test is often a helpful strategy, it won't replace the day-by-day blood sugar screening. A1c exams just cannot judge your day-after-day management. You can't revise your own insulin according to A1c checks. Due to this, monitoring your own glucose levels with your record of your A1c results are important for staying in efficient control.

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List of Foods For Diabetics to Eat That Can Lower Blood Glucose Levels

Good Glucose Levels - List of Foods For Diabetics to Eat That Can Lower Blood Glucose Levels. The content is good quality and helpful content, That is new is that you just never knew before that I do know is that I have discovered. Before the unique. It is now near to enter destination List of Foods For Diabetics to Eat That Can Lower Blood Glucose Levels.

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Good Glucose Levels! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Glucose found in the bloodstream is the outcome of food ingestion. Ingested food releases glucose into the blood stream from gastrointestinal tract. When a person is starving the body releases a specific amount of glucose that is enough to keep the normal level of glucose in blood.

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How is List of Foods For Diabetics to Eat That Can Lower Blood Glucose Levels

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Under normal circumstances insulin is secreted as a reaction of glucose to stimulate the beta cell of pancreas. The blood sugar level can be reduced by either reducing the consumption of glucose releasing foods or by stimulating the pancreas so it releases more insulin.

Sometimes the ability of beta cells of pancreas is either completely or partially distressed. This situation results in insulin dependent diabetes or non insulin dependent diabetes also termed type 2 and type 1 diabetes respectively.

There is another condition that results in an increase in the level of blood glucose and is termed insulin resistance. A decrease in the response of cells of body towards insulin results in decreased consumption of glucose. This causes the level of blood glucose to rise.

The effect of insulin is determined with receptors of cells so any agent that adjust these receptors so that insulin response can be enhanced results in an increase in the consumption of glucose thus lowering down the level of blood sugar.

There are few plants that act by modulating the receptors of cells. These plants are the traditionally used herbs by diabetics for modulating the response of insulin.

There are few foods that affect the loading capacity of blood glucose and other foods thus releasing the glucose in the blood circulation quickly. These foods lower down the glycemic index of other foods as well by;

Reducing the speed of gastric emptying. These foods decrease the motility of gastrointestinal tract by slowing down the speed at which glucose is absorbed in the bloodstream.

Holding glucose into blood stream in a gel consistency. These foods mix with water and slow down the rate of providing glucose in the blood stream.

Summing-up the foods that help in lowering the blood glucose act by

Increasing the pancreas' ability to secret the hormone insulin in response to the stimulation of glucose. Modulating the cells of the body to react efficiently towards insulin.

Garlic, onion, mustard and some other plants perform an effective role.

Garlic and onion act by decreasing the inactivation of hormone insulin

Fenugreek act by reducing the glycemic index of some foods

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Four Tips to Increase PH Levels in a Reef Aquarium Quickly and Easily

How To Raise Hdl - Four Tips to Increase PH Levels in a Reef Aquarium Quickly and Easily. The content is nice quality and useful content, Which is new is that you never knew before that I know is that I even have discovered. Prior to the unique. It's now near to enter destination Four Tips to Increase PH Levels in a Reef Aquarium Quickly and Easily.

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Maintaining good PH in a reef aquarium is one of the more common challenges. A low PH can negatively affect coral growth and lead to problem algae. There are however a few easy ways to make sure your PH stays at or above 8.0

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How is Four Tips to Increase PH Levels in a Reef Aquarium Quickly and Easily

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Good Water Circulation

Maintaining good water movement in your reef tank is critical to keeping your PH high in your reef aquarium. A tank circulation level of 15 to 20 times the tank volume is a great starting point. This means that if you have a 55 gallon tank you want to have a circulation amount of 825 1100 GPH.

You also want to make sure that this flow causes surface agitation. Increased surface agitation will transfer the carbon dioxide out of the water and bring fresh oxygen into the tank.

Proper Stocking Levels

Low PH in a reef aquarium can also be a sign of ow oxygen levels. If increase the surface agitation and water flow levels fail to help you may have to look at your tanks bio load. Fish are one of the biggest users of oxygen in your tank and having to many will have negative effects.

The standard rules of one inch of fish per gallon for stocking freshwater tanks do not apply to marine aquariums for a variety of reasons, this is especially true for reef aquariums. As a good rule of thumb keep your tanks fish load to one fish for every ten gallons of tank water.

The Right Substrate

One easy way to increase your reef tanks PH and hold it steady is to use aragonite sand or gravel in your tank. Aragonite will dissolve at lower PH levels and during this dissolving process it will release minerals and elements back into the tank that will in turn raise the PH. This is why it is critical you only use gravel or sand that is meant for reef tanks and not freshwater based material.

Chemical Additives

If for whatever reason you just cannot raise PH in a reef tank or hold it steady you may have to turn to chemical additives designed to help you out. There are many two part additives on the market that will raise calcium and alkalinity and at the same time increase your tanks PH levels.

A cheap alternative is kalkwasser set up to drip into your tank every few seconds. While it is a pain to mix up and apply it will do a great job at maintaining calcium, alkalinity and PH. But like any chemical you add to your tan start slow and work your way up, and always test the results!

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Heart Healthy Eating - 5 Foods That Will Lower Cholesterol, Triglyceride and Blood Pressure Levels

Triglyceride Levels - Heart Healthy Eating - 5 Foods That Will Lower Cholesterol, Triglyceride and Blood Pressure Levels. The content is nice quality and useful content, That is new is that you just never knew before that I do know is that I even have discovered. Prior to the distinctive. It's now near to enter destination Heart Healthy Eating - 5 Foods That Will Lower Cholesterol, Triglyceride and Blood Pressure Levels.

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Triglyceride Levels! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

It's no secret that eating fewer fast food burgers and giant frappuccinos will improve heart health, but did you know that eating more heart healthy foods is just as important? Many of the foods you already enjoy will help reduce cholesterol, blood pressure, and triglyceride levels, leaving your heart healthy and your mouth happy! So bypass fatty, salt-laden processed foods and replace them with:

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How is Heart Healthy Eating - 5 Foods That Will Lower Cholesterol, Triglyceride and Blood Pressure Levels

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Avocado: Eat creamy, delicious avocados to lower LDL (or bad cholesterol) and regulate blood pressure. Rich in monounsaturated fats, minerals, plant sterols and soluble fiber, avocados pack a powerful heart healthy punch by "ushering" cholesterol right out of the body.

However, avocados are high in calories so limit your intake to about 1/4 avocado per day. Add sliced avocado to turkey or egg salad sandwiches, or mash avocado and use instead of mayonnaise. Top a salad or low-fat tacos with avocado chunks, or make a refreshing smoothie with avocado, yogurt and soymilk. When purchasing avocados, choose those that are soft to the touch, but not mushy. Harder avocados will continue to ripen if left at room temperature.

Kiwi: Kiwi is the unsung hero of heart health. Although there are several options available to help lower cholesterol levels, triglyceride levels are notoriously difficult to reduce. Triglycerides in the blood cause platelets to stick together, promoting clots. Clots are often the cause of strokes and/or heart attacks. Eating kiwi on a regular basis can reduce both triglyceride levels and reduce the stickiness of the remaining triglycerides. Kiwi's high potassium content also helps regulate blood pressure.

Use kiwi in any recipe calling for fresh pineapple. Add versatile kiwi to salads, smoothies, baked with chicken or pork, sliced and added to a glass of iced tea, or pureed and used as a marinade. A ripe kiwi will have a little give to it when gently squeezed. Harder kiwi will ripen after a few days at room temperature.

Leafy Greens: Eat spinach, kale, Swiss chard, cress, mache, purslane or other leafy greens for a healthy heart. Excellent sources of calcium and antioxidants, greens help prevent arterial plaque build-up by reducing inflammation. Their high mineral content also helps reduce blood pressure levels. Leafy greens are also a great source of plant based omega 3 fatty acids.

Greens can be a delicious part of your meal even if you would never touch Popeye's can of spinach! Add fresh, dark leafy greens to sandwiches, on tacos, or topping your next pizza. Add greens to a quick frittata, or toss a handful of spinach into a pot of soup. Sliced kale, chard, or cress make great additions to stir-fries, pasta dishes and casseroles.

Tea: Tea is full of antioxidants that help protect arteries from damage and reduce blood pressure levels. Drinking just two cups of tea each day can lower your risk of heart attack and stroke by 40%, and may reduce recovery time for those who have had heart attacks. Tea will help you lose weight and its natural fluoride strengthens teeth.

Drink black, white, oolong or green tea, but it must be brewed tea not the powdered, instant kind. Chose a cup of black tea for a late afternoon pick me up, have a mid-morning cup of green tea to boost your immune system, and choose unsweetened iced tea instead of soda. Herbal tea, while a delicious drink, does not provide the same healthy heart benefits.

Citrus Fruits: Oranges and their citrus cousins; grapefruit, lemons, limes and tangerines, are full of heart healthy soluble fiber, vitamin C, folic acid, minerals and antioxidants that lower cholesterol levels. Eating just one orange a day can reduce the risk of stroke by 25%. Citrus fruits also lower triglyceride levels, blood pressure levels, and LDL (bad cholesterol) levels. In addition, citrus fruits reduce arterial plaque while increasing HDL (good cholesterol) levels!

Orange and tangerines in particular are versatile additions to the kitchen and can be used interchangeably. Add orange segments to fruit or green salads, to chicken or pork while baking, or grind them up and mix with cranberries and a little sugar for a simple relish. Substitute orange juice for milk when making pancakes or muffins, or add to stews and bean dishes for a Caribbean flavor. Lemon and limes are most often used as juice to flavor both sweet and savory dishes. Grapefruit and grapefruit juice can be used most anywhere orange juice can, but there is a caveat. Grapefruit interferes with some statin medications, so check with your doctor before adding grapefruit to your diet.

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So What Is A Good Cholesterol Level, Why Is It So Important And How Can You Easily Achieve It?

Good Hdl Level - So What Is A Good Cholesterol Level, Why Is It So Important And How Can You Easily Achieve It?. The content is good quality and helpful content, That is new is that you never knew before that I do know is that I even have discovered. Prior to the unique. It is now near to enter destination So What Is A Good Cholesterol Level, Why Is It So Important And How Can You Easily Achieve It?.

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Good Hdl Level! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

What is a good cholesterol level? It is important to know what is a good cholesterol level so that you can make changes in your diet and lifestyle when your cholesterol is not at the optimum level.

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How is So What Is A Good Cholesterol Level, Why Is It So Important And How Can You Easily Achieve It?

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There are two types of cholesterol and making sure that you achieve the right balance between these two types is essential for good health.

You can check your cholesterol levels by having a fasting lipoprotein profile test done. It is a blood test where your total cholesterol - LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels will be measured.

For total cholesterol, a result of less than 200 mg/dL is considered to be the desirable level and places you at a lower risk for coronary artery disease.

Total cholesterol of 200 to 239 mg/dL is borderline high while a value of 240 mg/dL and above is considered as high blood cholesterol. Having high blood cholesterol means double the risk of getting coronary artery disease.

When it comes to LDL or bad cholesterol, what is a good cholesterol level is dependent on your physician. However, a value of less than 100 mg/dL is considered optimal while LDL cholesterol levels of 190 mg/dL and above is considered to be very high. The lower your LDL cholesterol, the lower your risk is for heart disease.

The opposite applies for HDL levels. A HDL level of less than 40 mg/dL is a major risk factor for the development of heart disease while levels of 60 mg/dL or higher is considered as protective against heart disease and stroke.

A fasting lipoprotein profile also measures triglyceride levels. High triglyceride levels, in combination with high levels of LDL and/or low levels of HDL cholesterol, accelerates the development of atherosclerosis which in turn increases the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Knowing what is a good cholesterol level is essential if you want to keep your cholesterol in check. If your blood cholesterol is high, you can make changes in your diet by eating foods that are low in cholesterol. There are also foods that help lower bad cholesterol while increasing good cholesterol like tuna, oatmeal, and walnuts.

Some may also be advised to take medications called statins which lower cholesterol levels. There are serious side effects associated with these medications however.

Instead of statins, you can also take natural supplements that work the same way as statins do but without the dangerous side effects. Look for supplements with ingredients like beta sitosterol, policosanol, lecithin oil, and vitamin E which have proven effective in regulating cholesterol levels.

Cholesterol is both good and bad depending on how much is present in the body. Make sure you achieve the optimal level and balance for a healthier you.

Knowing what is a good cholesterol level gives you a good head start on dealing with your cholesterol problems.

Now you know what is a good cholesterol level. So if you are really serious at reducing your risk of heart disease and having good cholesterol levels, then visit my website today, where I share the key nutrients I personally used, and continue to use, for perfectly balanced cholesterol.

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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cholesterol

How To Raise Hdl - Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cholesterol. The content is good quality and helpful content, That is new is that you just never knew before that I know is that I even have discovered. Before the distinctive. It is now near to enter destination Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cholesterol.

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How To Raise Hdl! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Cholesterol seems to get a bad rap these days as people become more conscious of how their health can be influenced by what they eat. The reality is that there are advantages and disadvantages of cholesterol. It is a vital substance for the body but too much can cause health problems that are potentially fatal. This article will discuss some of the things that cholesterol does in the body and some of the problems that can occur if there is too much in the body.

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How is Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cholesterol

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Cholesterol is often described as a waxy substance. Approximately 80% of the cholesterol that is needed by the body is made in the liver. The rest to acquired through eating substances with cholesterol in them or by eating sugars, fats and proteins that can be converted to cholesterol. Most products with cholesterol in them are animal products like dairy goods and meat. Sugars, fats and proteins are fairly obvious. The fats to watch out for are saturated and trans fats. Processed foods often contain these types of fats, especially things like cakes, biscuits and potato chips.

Some of the advantages of cholesterol

Cholesterol is a hard substance that is used in the membranes of each cell in the body. It gives the cell strength and rigidity.

Increase vitamin D. Vitamin D is used in the immune system and can help to regulate blood pressure. If a person is in the sun, the sunlight will convert cholesterol to vitamin D.

Cholesterol acts as a transport for various antioxidant vitamins and enzymes, particularly vitamin A and E.

Skin Protection. The waxy substance acts as a protective layer against sun and wind damage. It has been found in higher than normal levels in scar tissue suggesting that it is involved in the healing process.

Disadvantages of cholesterol

Cholesterol is not soluble in the blood so it has to be transported by attaching to lipoproteins in the blood. The two important types of lipoproteins are known as low density and high density lipoproteins.

Low density lipoproteins (LDL) transport cholesterol away from the liver for use in the functions described above. However, when there is too much LDL cholesterol it tends to stick to the artery walls. This is know as thickening arteries or athersclerosis. Atherosclerosis can cause high blood pressure as the volume of the arteries is decreased. It can lead to blood clots if there are blockages in the arteries. This can lead to a stroke. Ultimately, too much cholesterol leads to heart disease.

High density lipoproteins (HDL) are responsible for transporting cholesterol back to the liver where it is excreted.

LDL cholesterol is known as bad cholesterol. HDL cholesterol is known as good cholesterol. The aim of anyone with a high cholesterol reading is to reduce LDL and increase HDL.

This can be done be modifying eating habits so that more fiber is eaten. Eat less carbohydrates and the right type of fats. Saturated and trans fats are out. Take on regular exercise to utilize excess calories consumed and to work the body.

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Cholesterol And Diet - 3/1216

Good Hdl Level - Cholesterol And Diet - 3/1216.
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Good Hdl Level ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It isn't outcome that the true about Good Hdl Level . You check out this article for home elevators an individual want to know is Good Hdl Level .

How is Cholesterol And Diet - 3/1216

Cholesterol And Diet - 3/1216 Video Clips. Duration : 0.57 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Good Hdl Level . -- Doyou know your Normal Cholesterol Level? I had a Cholesterol Check recently, a Fasting Cholesterol type - 12 hours with no food ! When I got my Cholesterol Readings - guess what! - High Cholestrol ! My favourite Shell Fish is on my BANNED LIST but I found this article which says its actually good for my HDL cholesterol I knew that I should go on a Diet For High Cholesterol or at least a Diet To Lower Cholesterol with Cholesterol Lowering Foods but the advice from doctors is very confusing. I knew there would be a link between my Cholesterol and Diet but all these High Cholesterol Diets are different. Should I go for a Cholesterol Free Diet or a Low Fat Low Cholesterol Diet. I thought that I would just have to avoid Foods High In Cholesterol but apparently not, it seems that the best way for Lowering Cholestrol is not Cholesterol Diet Food but to do with the saturated fats in foods. So to Lower Cholestrol I'm going to look at an LDL Diet which will get rid of my High Cholesteral.
I hope you obtain new knowledge about Good Hdl Level . Where you may put to use within your everyday life. And most of all, your reaction is Good Hdl Level . View Related articles related to Good Hdl Level . I Roll below. I have counseled my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Cholesterol And Diet - 3/1216.

Blood Sugar and Menopause - Recognize the Early Signs of Menopause Imbalances

Triglyceride Levels - Blood Sugar and Menopause - Recognize the Early Signs of Menopause Imbalances. The content is nice quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you just never knew before that I know is that I actually have discovered. Before the distinctive. It is now near to enter destination Blood Sugar and Menopause - Recognize the Early Signs of Menopause Imbalances.

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As a woman, you go through profound changes during menopause, and this affects your emotional and physical health. At that time, you go through a series of metabolic changes that could lead to blood sugar imbalance, and other serious health associated problems.

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How is Blood Sugar and Menopause - Recognize the Early Signs of Menopause Imbalances

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A study that tracked metabolic changes in women as they progressed through menopause found that one out of six women developed this kind of imbalance. Estrogen creates a sugar imbalance and an increase in body fat storage, whereas progesterone normalizes sugar levels and helps use fat for energy.

During perimenopause and menopause, fat often starts to accumulate around your midriff and insulin levels start to rise. This triggers a drop in Sex-Hormone-Binding-Globulin (SHBG) levels. With the reduction of SHBG (a substance that attaches to the sex hormones in the blood to make them inert), androgens such as testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) - the bioactive 'male' sex hormones - begin circulating inside your body. This makes you seem more 'manly' in appearance and adds to your fat around your stomach.

If left unchecked, these imbalances further stimulate weight gain and metabolic dysfunction, increasing the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and such. If you develop a sugar imbalance during menopause, you will show increased body fat around the stomach, higher insulin levels and lipid imbalances. You will have lower levels of the good cholesterol (HDL) and higher levels of triglycerides. A way to prevent this is to ensure that there is no weight gain during menopause and unhealthy increase in glucose and insulin.

Preventing Blood Sugar Imbalance During Menopause

Low sugars are pronounced in women experiencing early menopause. These women have a craving for sugar, carbohydrates or alcohol.

Some of the signs of early menopause are:

· Menstrual cycles become unpredictable

· Menstrual flow becomes heavier or lighter

· Low blood sugar

· Fatigue for many days before menstrual cycle

· Weight gain and decreased sex drive

· Headaches that could become migraines

· Inability to concentrate

· Mood swings, irritability, or feeling depressed

Liver helps to process excess hormones to maintain appropriate levels. You can help prevent a sugar imbalance by:

· Avoiding caffeine, alcohol, sugar, and fatty acids from fried and processed foods.

· Avoiding pollution.

· Eating food, such as, artichoke, beets and beet greens and burdock root.

· Exercising to sweat for at least 15 minutes daily.

· Replacing lost fluid by drinking at least 1/3 of your body weight in ounces of water everyday.

The right kind of food works as medicine. A right diet promotes good health during menopause, assists the body to adjust itself and keeps the hormones more balanced which supports the endocrine system.

To increase blood sugar levels when the glucose levels fall too low, the adrenal gland releases adrenalin and the pancreas releases glucagons. A quick sweet snack is an easy way to boost sugar levels.

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Blood Sugar Levels - Maintaining Normal Levels

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When you have diabetes it is vital that you maintain normal blood sugar levels at all times. Ignoring high blood glucose levels is very dangerous and can be fatal. Your blood sugar levels can easily be maintained through diet and exercise.

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How is Blood Sugar Levels - Maintaining Normal Levels

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Blood sugar is the body's fuel that feeds our brain, tissues and nervous system. When you are healthy, your body makes glucose not only from the carbohydrates we consume but also from proteins and fats. It is essential that we maintain normal levels so that our bodies can perform to their peak.

Understanding how glucose works will allow you to maintain normal levels. Glucose absorbs directly into your bloodstream from your intestines, which results in an increase in your blood sugar level. A natural hormone called insulin is released from the pancreas, which helps the prevention of blood sugar levels rising too high as well as helping to move the glucose into your cells. This is how we get the energy requirements our body needs to function effectively.

A normal blood sugar level reading should be between 4mmol/L and 7mmol/L. If your readings are constantly out of this range you are at a very high risk of developing heart disease and any of the other complications that are associated with diabetes.

Following are a few guidelines to help you maintain your blood sugar levels:

Eat your meals at regular intervals and at the same time each day Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables each day Drink plenty of water each day Do at least 30 minutes of exercise each day, consult with your doctor as to which exercises are best suited to your individual requirements, some exercises can actually harm you, so please be aware of this Reduce the amount of your salt intake Reduce the amount of your alcohol intake Avoid processed foods at all times Avoid foods that are high in saturated fats Try to eat fish at least twice a week Choose lean meats, and Choose the low fat variety of dairy products

It is important to understand that carbohydrate foods are your body's main source of energy, this is why it is so important and beneficial for you to eat meals on a regular basis and at the same times each day so that you can easily maintain your energy levels and your blood sugar levels.

If you do not maintain normal blood sugar levels you at risk of the long term complications that include kidney disease, cardiovascular disease (heart attacks, high blood pressure and heart failure), strokes, eye disease and nerve problems.

It is vital for you as a diabetic to maintain normal blood sugar levels so that you can achieve great health and feel fantastic each and every day.

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What Are the Foods That Lower Blood Glucose Levels?

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To know that you are a diabetic can be very frustrating. However, if you will just cry at the corner of your room and feel sorry for yourself because you are aware that there is a threat to your health will not help you at all. Of course, there is something that you can do to naturally treat yourself from the disease and you can do it by taking in foods that lower blood glucose levels everyday.

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How is What Are the Foods That Lower Blood Glucose Levels?

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There are meal plans which are specially designed for diabetic patients like you to lower the sugar content. You can get these plans from a diet center by enrolling yourself to the program. Your doctor can also provide you with these diabetic diet plans and you will need to consult him or her first before you can be provided with them. Free information can also be obtained from the internet. There are various websites that post meal plans for diabetics and you can make use of them to improve your health condition.

These meal plans are intended to regulate one's blood glucose levels. By observing such types of diet, you will be able to live a normal life in spite of the presence of the disease in you. They are usually the foods that are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and fiber. The fiber in food in fact, helps the pancreas produce more insulin which will control blood sugar levels naturally. The best examples of foods that are rich in fiber are onions and garlic. Including the right dosage of fresh foods and vegetables can help lower blood sugar levels as well.

Processed foods should be avoided as much as possible. Aside from the fact that most of them contain high glucose levels, they may also contain huge amount of MSG and preservatives which are hazardous to the health. For this reason, it is much advisable to eat freshly cooked foods and not those that are packed in cans, tetras and the like.

Aside from watching the diet menu for diabetes that you eat, you should also be cautious about what you drink. Drinking stuffs like sodas or soft drinks and others will only worsen your condition. If you are diabetic, you should avoid these types of drinks because they contain a lot of glucose, carbon and other chemicals that can affect your body and blood glucose in a lot of negative ways. Instead, you should take in healthy drinks and natural juices that are made from carrots, vegetables, coconut and other healthy stuffs to lower blood glucose levels. Drinking tea, especially green tea, will also help in lowering excess glucose in your blood, aside from the fact that it can flush out those unwanted toxins.

The foods that lower blood glucose levels are almost the same as those that will make you lose excess weight. And whatever can make you gain weight are also those that you should avoid. Observing these diet menus will not only benefit you as a diabetic but they will also help you gain a better health condition in general.

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How Does Salmon Affect Your HDL and LDL Cholesterol? - Lower Cholesterol Foods Tips

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Most of us know that selected our foods and altering our diet are important to keep lower our cholesterol. Face it, most of us have been taught which foods are healthy and low in fat and which are less than good for us.

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How is How Does Salmon Affect Your HDL and LDL Cholesterol? - Lower Cholesterol Foods Tips

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How about Salmon fish? How does salmon affect your HDL and LDL cholesterol levels? Let's learn about this more to give us a better knowledge.

Have you ever heard about Omega-3 fatty acids in fish? Yes, Fish that contains omega_3 polyunsaturated fatty acids prevents blood from clotting and also lowers your blood cholesterol and boost up HDL 'good' cholesterol in your blood.

Omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon, albacore tuna, sardines, anchovies, mackerel and herring. They contain type of polyunsaturated fatty acids which can only be supplied by food sources.

So salmon is good source for omega-3 fatty acids and also good source of vitamins A, B6 and B2, D, E, as well as niacin and riboflavin and antioxidant. All are your body needed. That means salmon is an excellent food for everyone.

How does Salmon affect HDL and LDL cholesterol?

Salmon affects HDL and LDL cholesterol, because salmon contains omega 3 fatty acids that increase HDL 'good' cholesterol and decrease total cholesterol, LDL 'bad" cholesterol, and triglycerides. Also prevents blood clotting factors in the vascular system and lessens the chances for the irregular heart beats that cause sudden deaths. Omega 3 fatty acids have been shown to be beneficial for heart health, brain function and overall good health.

Always try to moderation your food diet to keep your cholesterol in the good levels. Now you understand the benefit from salmon or other fish that contain omega-3 fatty acid, so include them to your diet meals occasionally, and enjoy the heart health benefits from omega-3 fatty acid to your body. Read more: How Does Cholesterol Affect Your Body?

(c)2007-Lower Cholesterol Center

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Normal Range of Cholesterol Levels - Understanding the LDL-HDL Ratio

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Information regarding the relationship between LDL, HDL, triglycerides and the total cholesterol counts keeps on changing every time. This has resulted to a confusion regarding the calculation of ones cholesterol ratio, or even its implications to our bodies. As it is, people need to understand their LDL: HDL ratio so as to make important decisions regarding their overall health.

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How is Normal Range of Cholesterol Levels - Understanding the LDL-HDL Ratio

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It is hereby suggested that conducting a simple lipid panel is the best way towards shedding light to these cholesterol myths. After all, it is not a tasking endeavor since the results should be out after about one week. Again, in most cases the (results) will be sent to one's home and it will be an individual's responsibility to calculate the ratio. It is also advisable to check our work plans and what we eat and drink to avoid rising our LDL levels.

In most cases the results contains three key indicators, that is, the HDL, LDL, and the triglycerides (a form of fat in our blood). The results are given in milligrams per deciliter of blood (mg/dl). In essence, the HDL level should be 40mg/dl for men, while for women it should be about 50mg/dl, the LDL level should be between 100mg/dl and 130mg/dl, and lastly, the triglycerides numbers should be below 150mg/dl. To calculate the total cholesterol we use the formula (HDL + LDL) + (triglycerides/5). For instance, if one's HDL is 45, LDL is 105, and triglycerides are 160, then the final figure will be: [(45 +105) + (160/5) = 182mg/dl], something lower than the desirable optimum limit of 200mg/dl. However, the borderline high risk is usually 239mg/dl.

Apparently, since a lot of concern is put on achieving a high HDL and a low LDL, other important factors may be ignored, for example athletes may have very high HDL and very low LDL since they indulge in strenuous exercises and dietary monitoring. In real sense this is not a good situation in as far as the LDL: HDL ratio is concerned, as they may find themselves hovering along the borderline of their optimum level even although, not at high risk per se. As such, much concern is now shifting to the maintenance of a healthy LDL: HDL ratio rather than on the total level. It is therefore targeted to maintain a ratio of between 0.3 and 0.4.

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Healthy Cholesterol Range - What's the Ideal Cholesterol Levels?

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The healthy cholesterol range for human beings is below 200mg/dL. These numbers are the normal total cholesterol circulating in the bloodstream, which includes LDL (bad), HDL (good) and triglycerides. Just as important as the total is the HDL amount. When it comes to HDL, more is better, with the ideal ratio of LDL to HDL to be 4.4:1.

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How is Healthy Cholesterol Range - What's the Ideal Cholesterol Levels?

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You can check your own ratio by doing this simple calculation: divide your LDL measurement value with your HDL measurement value. If this ratio is below 4.4, you should try to raise your HDL level by exercising more.

A healthy person should have their blood profiles screening test done on a regular basis. The American Heart Association recommends testing every five years for anyone aged 20 or older. Doctors may recommend a test for younger people if they are obese or have other risk factors, such as high blood pressure and smoking (yes, smoking is a risk factor.. that's why life insurance premium is higher for smokers than non smokers).

If you smoke, controlling this habit to the stage where you can quit can be very difficult.. but you must try to stop. Your heart is at risk, because smoking causes the LDL in your blood to be oxidized, and oxidized LDL forms plaques in blood vessels quickly.. This is no new information to a lot of smokers, so make a wise decision yourself.

Some of the things that cause unhealthy cholesterol levels include obesity and excessive alcohol intake. Lack of exercise plays a role as well. Hormonal imbalances and dysfunction of the glandular system are less common causes. Certain genetic diseases and heredity are also factors.

In order to stay in the healthy cholesterol range, a diet that is very low in saturated fat is recommended. Less than 7% of daily calories should come from saturated fats, which include egg yolks, cheese, beef, pork and poultry.

Trans-fats, which are partially hydrogenated unsaturated fats, should be avoided. Total fat intake plays a larger role in blood serum levels than does the cholesterol itself. The type of fat that you eat is also important.

Plant foods, such as nuts and flax seed, contain healthy cholesterol-like substances, called phytosterols. This is the kind of fat that is a necessary dietary components. Most nutritionists recommend 25-30% of your total caloric intake should come from fat, but plant oil and fatty fish are the best choices for dietary fat.

A healthy HDL or good cholesterol range is 60mg/dL or higher.. however, if yours is higher than this, it's better. There's no "highest" limit when it comes to HDL. Just remember the 4.4 ratio mentioned above.

According to the American Heart Association, higher HDL levels provide some protections against heart disease. As HDL travels through the bloodstream, it picks up LDL particles and carries them back to the liver, thus causes the reduction of LDL concentration in your blood. This prevents the particles from building up inside the arterial walls and forming hard plaques.

LDL levels should be lower than 100mg/dL to be considered healthy. Over 190mg of LDL is considered very high risk for heart disease and stroke. It would be unusual, but if the total cholesterol level was 200mg, but the LDL number was 190, a person would still be at risk. In such case, usually doctors will resort to the use of cholesterol lowering drugs.

Total cholesterol reading below 160mg is considered low, so try to keep the balance. Balance is the key to overall good health. Try to choose foods that are highly nutritious and contain a variety of antioxidants.

Having more food which are derived from plants in your daily diet such as fruits, vegetables, nuts , cinnamon and whole grains can help you get and keep a healthy cholesterol range, which, in turn, protects your heart.

Of course there are other ways to lower cholesterol level, such as consumption of cholesterol lowering statin medicines (Zocor, Lipitor, Lescol, etc). But these are rather risky ways, since the statin drugs themselves have numerous side effects. One of the most dangerous effect of these kind of medication is "muscle breakdown", which is the "melting" of your muscle tissues.. It's very dangerous for your kidneys (can cause kidney failure), and also weakens the whole body in the process.

So, stay with natural methods to control your numbers as much as possible. Eat the right food, do the right exercise, take supplements where necessary, live the right lifestyle. It's for your own good. Resort to medicine treatment only if you can not do any of the natural approach. You are raising the possibility of unnecesarry complication if you try the medical approach too early.

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High Cholesterol Diets - 2/1215

Good Hdl Level - High Cholesterol Diets - 2/1215.

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How is High Cholesterol Diets - 2/1215

High Cholesterol Diets - 2/1215 Tube. Duration : 1.37 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Good Hdl Level . -- Doyou know your Normal Cholesterol Level? I had a Cholesterol Check recently, a Fasting Cholesterol type - 12 hours with no food ! When I got my Cholesterol Readings - guess what! - High Cholestrol ! My favourite Shell Fish is on my BANNED LIST but I found this article which says its actually good for my HDL cholesterol I knew that I should go on a Diet For High Cholesterol or at least a Diet To Lower Cholesterol with Cholesterol Lowering Foods but the advice from doctors is very confusing. I knew there would be a link between my Cholesterol and Diet but all these High Cholesterol Diets are different. Should I go for a Cholesterol Free Diet or a Low Fat Low Cholesterol Diet. I thought that I would just have to avoid Foods High In Cholesterol but apparently not, it seems that the best way for Lowering Cholestrol is not Cholesterol Diet Food but to do with the saturated fats in foods. So to Lower Cholestrol I'm going to look at an LDL Diet which will get rid of my High Cholesteral.
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Triglycerides Are Not Cholesterol

Triglyceride Levels - Triglycerides Are Not Cholesterol.
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Despite what many people think, triglycerides are not the same thing as cholesterol. In comparing the two of them, it needs to be noted that, while there are some major similarities, there also are some major and important differences. To obtain your optimum level of wellness, it's vital for you to know what these are and how they affect your health.

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How is Triglycerides Are Not Cholesterol

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How Cholesterol and Triglycerides are Alike

Both are blood fats or "lipids". Both are tested on the lipid panel. Neither can dissolve in blood... So, both have to be carried through your blood by protein known as a lipoprotein. Both can usually be controlled with diet and lifestyle. Both can be gotten through your diet. Plus, your body can make them if needed. The levels of both are managed by the liver. Both are needed for you to live. Both are indicators of future and present heart disease.

This last similarity, being indicators of heart disease, is the most important here. However, as you read through this article, you will discover that high triglycerides can cause more than heart disease. Between cholesterol and triglycerides, your triglyceride level can seriously affect your health in other ways.

How Cholesterol and Triglycerides are Different

Different Types of Fat

Though both are classified as a blood lipid, cholesterol is not really a fat in the blood. It's actually a different type of fat-like substance called a sterol and it is made up of the good, or HDL cholesterol, and the bad, or LDL cholesterol. The HDL and the LDL cholesterol form the total cholesterol.

Different Roles to Play in the Body

Cholesterol is necessary in your body for the production of the steroid hormones, such as the testosterone in men and the estrogen for women. It is also needed for digesting fat and processing Vitamin D.

Your body also uses cholesterol as part of your cells to help them function in cold temperatures, somewhat like insulation.

As far as including cholesterol in your diet- your liver makes all the cholesterol your body needs. There is no need to eat anything with cholesterol. The only source of cholesterol is animal products. The dietary guideline for the amount of cholesterol you can safely consume is less than 300 mg.

The functions of triglycerides in the body are multiple. Perhaps the most important function is that they provide the essential fatty acids our body needs to function.

Triglycerides also supply the fatty acids needed for producing energy and storing energy. The main place energy is stored is in our body fat. This fat does triple duty- storing energy, insulating our body and protecting our internal organs from injury.

A Look at Your Levels

You can have a high cholesterol level and a normal triglyceride level and be at risk for heart disease and strokes. You can have a normal cholesterol level and a high triglyceride level and be at risk for not only heart disease, but strokes and diabetes. And both levels can be high, meaning you are at a high risk for heart disease, strokes, and diabetes.

The point is that both levels don't necessarily have to be high to put you at risk for health problems.

What You Eat Can Increase or Decrease Your Blood Lipids

Foods that increase your blood fats:

Animal products Foods high in saturated fatty acids, again, mainly animal products Trans-fats (foods that contain partially hydrogenated oils) Refined carbs and concentrated sweets (increase your triglycerides)

Foods that help to decrease your blood fats:

Omega-3 foods, such as fish, flaxseed, canola and soybean oil Foods with soluble fiber, such as oats, legumes and citrus fruit Fruits, vegetables and whole grains

Terms You Should Know

Hyperlipidemia = high level of blood lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides) Hypertriglyceridemia = high triglycerides Hypercholesterolemia = high cholesterol

One of the best ways to protect your health is to learn all you can about your body and what it needs to be well. Hopefully this article has provided you with some basic knowledge of triglycerides and cholesterol and the role they both play in your health and wellness.

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Good Cholesterol in Foods

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You go to the doctor and he tells you that your cholesterol is bad. The first thing he asks: What you have been eating? Most people do not even know what foods have cholesterol in them, much less which are bad and good. However, cholesterol isn't all that complicated. There are just a few things that you need to know in order to understand and know how to work on cholesterol problems. All cholesterol isn't bad. There is good cholesterol in foods and there is bad cholesterol in foods. Consumed cholesterol is transported through the blood stream by lipoproteins because it can not dissolve on its own. Lipoproteins role in the transportation process is where we get the good and bad cholesterol label from.

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How is Good Cholesterol in Foods

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Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) pick up and carry cholesterol throughout the body. When the body has excessive cholesterol, it just keeps circulating and eventually enters blood vessels. Over time, it clogs the arteries and obstructs blood flow. Remember, cholesterol can not dissolve on its own. So, it just keeps building up. This build up is called plaque. Built up LDL cholesterol is often the cause of coronary artery disease. That is why it is labelled the bad cholesterol.

On the other hand, High-density lipoproteins (HDL) are often referred to as, "good cholesterol." HDL are cholesterol scavengers. They pick up excess cholesterol in your blood and take it to the liver, where it can be disposed of.

When talking about cholesterol, it is very important to distinguish between HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. The higher your HDL cholesterol level, the less bad cholesterol you'll have in your blood. In men, HDL cholesterol levels should be no lower than 40 mg/dl. In women, HDL should be no lower than 50 mg/dl. The optimal level for both men and women is around 60 mg/dl. An overall cholesterol level bellow 180 is most favourable.

Now, you may ask: How do I get HDL cholesterol? Good cholesterol in foods help to keep HDL cholesterol levels high..therefore lowering bad cholesterol. These are some examples of good cholesterol in foods & cholesterol lowering foods:

Raw onion

Fish oil

Flax seed




Olive, peanut, sunflower, and canola oil

Whole grains

Oatmeal and oat bran

Brown rice

Citrus fruit



Dark green vegetables




Foods fortified with plant sterols



Of course, good cholesterol in foods is just part of the solution to bad cholesterol. You also need to avoid foods that contain saturated and trans fats. Keeping LDL cholesterol low, starting an aerobic exercise routine, drinking only in moderation, and refraining from tobacco use are important additions. Make prudent food choices and your heart, mind, and body will thank you.

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What Is A Good Cholesterol Level?

Good Hdl Level - What Is A Good Cholesterol Level?.
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Good Hdl Level! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Whenever you read anything about losing weight or a healthy diet cholesterol is often mentioned. But what exactly is it and what is a good cholesterol level to aim for?Let's start with cholesterol and why it's so important then we can appreciate why so much emphasis it put on our cholesterol level.

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How is What Is A Good Cholesterol Level?

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Cholesterol is a steroid and can be ingested in food or made in the liver. Here is a list of the functions of cholesterol.

1. It plays a major role in the production of other steroidal hormones.

2. It is an important part of your body cell membranes.

3. When it breaks down it forms bile salts that help in the digestion of fats.

4. Vitamin D is formed from a number of chemical reactions, one of which involves cholesterol and sunlight on your skin.

As you can see cholesterol is essential to life. So why is it generally viewed as a bad thing? If you don't eat cholesterol or saturated fat your liver takes over and makes enough for your bodies requirements. It is transported round your body in proteins in blood. Your liver converts saturated fat into cholesterol. If you regularly eat too much saturated fat or cholesterol it begins to deposit on the sides of the blood vessels forming thickened areas known as atheromas.

Thickening of the arteries is known as atherosclerosis. It can lead to damage of your blood vessels causing them to narrow. Eventually the blood vessel may become blocked cutting off the supply of blood to the tissue immediately after the blockage. If this happens in the heart it causes angina and eventually myocardial infarction.

Atheromas may also cause the blood to form clots in the damaged area. If the clots break off, forming a thrombus, and then begins to travel around the circulation it may eventually cause another blockage leading to a stroke or myocardial infarction.

It is vital to your health to make sure your cholesterol levels remains low, but what is a normal acceptable cholesterol level? Here is the normal cholesterol level according to The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) in the U.K.

Total cholesterol should be less than 5.0mmol/L (millimoles of cholesterol per Litre of blood)

So what does it mean by 'total cholesterol'? When cholesterol combines with proteins for transportation round the blood circulation it forms either low density lipoproteins (LDL) or high density lipoproteins (HDL). HDLs are considered to be good fat whereas LDLs form atheromas and are considered to be bad fat.

Total cholesterol is the measurement of HDL and LDL combined. Since it is more useful to know how much bad fat is circulating in your blood LDLs are often measured separately. NICE considers a safe level of LDL to be

LDL cholesterol should be less than 3.0mmol/L (millimoles of LDL per Litre of blood)

If you are at risk from cardiovascular disease or have a family history of cardiovascular disease your doctor may prefer to your cholesterol level to be even lower than those recommended by NICE. The recommended levels may also differ slightly from country to country.

You can influence your cholesterol level by reducing the amount of saturated fat you eat. Dairy products containing plant stanols are widely available in your supermarket. Research has shown that plant stanols have cholesterol lowering properties.

Your doctor may decide to prescribe cholesterol lowering medication which is referred to as HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors or statins. Your doctor may need to adjust the dose until the desired cholesterol level is reached. These drugs are very effective and you shouldn't stop taking them unless your doctor advises you to.

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Cholestrol - 4/1222

Good Hdl Level - Cholestrol - 4/1222.

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Good Hdl Level ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It isn't outcome that the true about Good Hdl Level . You check out this article for home elevators that wish to know is Good Hdl Level .

How is Cholestrol - 4/1222

Cholestrol - 4/1222 Video Clips. Duration : 1.68 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Good Hdl Level . -- Doyou know your Normal Cholesterol Level? I had a Cholesterol Check recently, a Fasting Cholesterol type - 12 hours with no food ! When I got my Cholesterol Readings - guess what! - High Cholestrol ! My favourite Shell Fish is on my BANNED LIST but I found this article which says its actually good for my HDL cholesterol I knew that I should go on a Diet For High Cholesterol or at least a Diet To Lower Cholesterol with Cholesterol Lowering Foods but the advice from doctors is very confusing. I knew there would be a link between my Cholesterol and Diet but all these High Cholesterol Diets are different. Should I go for a Cholesterol Free Diet or a Low Fat Low Cholesterol Diet. I thought that I would just have to avoid Foods High In Cholesterol but apparently not, it seems that the best way for Lowering Cholestrol is not Cholesterol Diet Food but to do with the saturated fats in foods. So to Lower Cholestrol I'm going to look at an LDL Diet which will get rid of my High Cholesteral.
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HDL Cholesterol Levels - Why To Maintain?

Good Hdl Level - HDL Cholesterol Levels - Why To Maintain?.
The content is nice quality and helpful content, That is new is that you never knew before that I do know is that I even have discovered. Before the unique. It is now near to enter destination HDL Cholesterol Levels - Why To Maintain?.

Do you know about - HDL Cholesterol Levels - Why To Maintain?

Good Hdl Level! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

The HDL is the type of cholesterol which helps scour body to scour the blood vessel's walls for cleaning the extra cholesterol. The extra cholesterol creates the plaques. And due to those plaques, the coronary artery disease attacks. You might see that doctor must check your HDL cholesterol level for taking idea how it is working. If the HDL go down up to forty percent then that cause coronary artery.

What I said. It isn't outcome that the actual about Good Hdl Level. You see this article for home elevators that want to know is Good Hdl Level.

How is HDL Cholesterol Levels - Why To Maintain?

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Good Hdl Level.

We have to maintain our HDL cholesterol level because if it will decrease up to 40 percent then that cause coronary artery. It has also seen that some times the person's cholesterol level was normal but he was passing from that above mentioned problem. So, we should maintain it more than 40 percent. If it will be more sixty percent then you will be secure from any kind of heart disease especially blockage in heart's valves.

If you know that your HDL cholesterol level is low then there is no need to be worry. The reason is that you can increase its level. The dangerous is that it will go down and you will not be aware. In that case that can be harmful for you. It is might possible that you will not face common problem and when you came to realize then that will appear in dangerous form. So, you should g for cholesterol check up after each month or after two months for making sure that you are perfect. There are many ways and by using those you can increase your HDL. The first more effective and useful way is that you do aerobic exercises on daily basis. Some people do not like to do that exercise but that is very good for increasing HDL. You can do any kind of aerobic exercise for increasing HDL cholesterol level.

The other way of increasing HDL is that you reduce your weight. When you start reducing weight, then that will not only melt your fats but also increase your cholesterol level. Your will also feel healthy and active. This is only good for those people, who have extra weight or fats and they reduce their weights. The other this is that the smoke increase the level of HDL cholesterol. The smoking has all bad affects but only single benefit it has and that is increment in HDL.

If you really want healthy and long life then you should avoid using those foods which contains hydrogenated vegetable oil. That oil decreases the amount of HDL in our body. That contains fatty acids which is harmful for HDL. The alcohol is also good for increasing HDL. Some people think that it is bad for health but that is not true. If you drink one or two glass in a single day then you will be secure from heat related problems. For increasing the HDL cholesterol in your body, you have to use canola oil, olive oil and other monounsaturated fats. That increases the level of HDL cholesterol without effectin LDL cholesterol.

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Maintain Normal Triglyceride Levels for A Healthier Life

Triglyceride Levels - Maintain Normal Triglyceride Levels for A Healthier Life.
The content is good quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you simply never knew before that I do know is that I have discovered. Prior to the unique. It is now near to enter destination Maintain Normal Triglyceride Levels for A Healthier Life.

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Triglyceride Levels! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Triglycerides, which causes a risk to the heart, can be lowered by various changes in one's lifestyle. The body stores fat from the food that is eaten in the form of triglycerides, if one eats more than required. High triglycerides along with low HDL can elevate the occurrence of coronary heart diseases. These may also reveal sensitivity to carbohydrates and alcohol, or may indicate diabetes. A normal level is less than 200mg/dl.

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How is Maintain Normal Triglyceride Levels for A Healthier Life

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Triglyceride Levels.

Some popular ways of reducing the high levels are mentioned below.

Sugar intake raises the levels in a number of people. Reduction in glucose can be helpful. Alcohol is a sure-shot contributor to high triglycerides. All kinds of hard drinks have a similar effect. For some people, small amounts can also trigger a higher production of these lipids. Intake of food items made from semolina or white flour can have an effect on some individuals. Any food that is made from these products is unhealthy. Moderate consumption is always advisable. Bread made from whole wheat, brown rice, and other grains like quinoa, millet, barley and oats are good for the heart. Foods containing Omega-3 are recommended by the AHA. Triglycerides diet including ground flaxseeds, soy products, dark green leafy vegetables, legumes, walnuts, should be consumed daily. Ideal weight, if maintained is an indicator of good health. Weight loss can impact the triglycerides in a positive way. A good nutritionist can help you determine the ideal weight. They may also suggest the best dietary foods that help in maintaining good health. The nutritionist can throw some light on what are triglycerides and how their increase in the body can be eliminated.

Some alterations in one's routine can help them better their health. A plan to adopt low saturated foods can take an individual a long way. Remember, fried foods are enemies of the heart. By eating some of the foodstuff listed below, one may be able to lead a healthier life.

When a person eats out, s/he should give specific instructions to the chef to avoid high risk ingredients. Olive oil, walnut oil, rice bran, flaxseed oil are good options. Avoid skins, sauces and dressings, alternatively, these can be made from low fat ingredients. Trans fat should be kept away at all times. Snacks and fat meats should be evaded. Food rich in high fibers help control the LDL and triglycerides. Beans, pumpkin seeds, oat bran, fruits, and vegetables are good triglyceride diet.

Knowing what are triglycerides, and what foods contain them, a person can try and avoid them as much as possible for a healthier lifestyle. Triglycerides form a layer of fat under a person's skin, so they also make one look fat. High triglycerides are not advisable, so stay healthy without increasing their levels in your blood.

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Good Hdl Level - warm-ups.

Do you know about - warm-ups

Good Hdl Level ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It is not outcome that the actual about Good Hdl Level . You look at this article for info on an individual wish to know is Good Hdl Level .

How is warm-ups

warm-ups Tube. Duration : 3.23 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Good Hdl Level . The number on fitness blog on the internet for baby boomers In the last post we looked at what the cholesterol numbers and ranges mean. You also learned that you can go after the enemy, cholesterol in this case, through a variety of ways, including exercise. Sure, some people may just opt for a prescription drug, a statin, in order to lower their cholesterol. But honestly, that does nothing to address the problem, it's merely putting a bandage over it. The best thing to do is address it head on, and being a personal trainer, exercise is an area that I'm urging you to focus on! First, it is important to realize how exercise is going to help you improve your cholesterol numbers. It's a two-fold process really, because: Exercise will help you lose weight and improve overall health, leading to a reduction in your LDL, or lousy, cholesterol levels. Exercise will raise HDL, or healthy, cholesterol levels. This will help to protect your heart and keep your body healthy. So now you know the virtues of exercising and what it will do to improve your cholesterol numbers. Here are my professional recommendations for getting started with an exercise program: Your goal should be to do cardio exercises (those that get your heart pumping) 3-7 days per week, with a goal to burn 1500-2000 throughout the course of the week. Your intensity level should be between 40-70 percent of your VO2. Your VO2 is the oxygen consumption, or your cardio-respiratory ...
I hope you get new knowledge about Good Hdl Level . Where you possibly can put to used in your life. And most importantly, your reaction is Good Hdl Level . View Related articles related to Good Hdl Level . I Roll below. I have counseled my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share warm-ups.