What Are Normal Cholesterol Levels

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Do you know about - What Are Normal Cholesterol Levels

Good Hdl Level! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Although cholesterol serves many essential roles in keeping our bodies in good health it receives more attention when it is harmful to our bodies. It is harmful when there is too much in the body. We produce about 80% of the cholesterol that is needed by the body naturally in the liver. The rest is obtained through dietary means. However when too much cholesterol is consumed through dietary means then the cholesterol level becomes elevated and this can lead to health problems. Thickening of the arteries is a common consequence of high cholesterol. This can lead to high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases. So what is a normal cholesterol level ? This article will give you the facts and figures according to the American Heart Association and explain what they mean.

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How is What Are Normal Cholesterol Levels

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The guidelines set out by the American Heart Association are as follows :

Total cholesterol :

Less than 200 mg/dl is a desirable outcome (mg/dl stands for milligrams of cholesterol per deciliter of blood).

200 mg/dl to 239mg/dl is deemed to be borderline high risk.

240 mg/dl is considered to by at high risk to heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases.

Total cholesterol includes both LDL and HDL cholesterol.

LDL cholesterol is considered to be bad cholesterol because it tends to stick to the wall of the arteries which leads to atherosclerosis and eventually heart disease.

The guideline for LDL cholestrol is :

Less than 100mg/dl is optimal

100mg/dl to 129 mg/dl is near optimal

130mg/dl to 159mg/dl is borderline high

160mg/dl to 189mg/dl is high

190mg/dl is very high

HDL cholesterol is considered to be good cholesterol because it helps transport excess cholesterol back to the liver where it is excreted.

The guideline for HDL cholesterol is the higher the better. The threshold is 40mg/dl for men and 50mg/dl for women. Any lower than those readings would be considered high risk for heart disease.

The key to reducing LDL cholesterol and increasing HDL cholesterol is to eat a healthy diet of fresh and low fat foods. You should exercise regularly. Try to get 30 minutes of exercise per day. Quit smoking because it lowers the amount of HDL cholesterol in the body.

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Best Exercise to Lower Cholesterol

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Do you know about - Best Exercise to Lower Cholesterol

How To Raise Hdl! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

What is the best exercise to lower cholesterol? All of us known that exercise is good for our health generally. So it's a good idea to understand what are the best exercises to lower cholesterol? How much exercise that we need to lower cholesterol? And how exercise effect on cholesterol test?

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How is Best Exercise to Lower Cholesterol

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When you do the exercise, you will improve your blood circulation to whole body that means more efficient pump to your heart. So, your heart is stronger with exercise. You can protect your heart even if you have high cholesterol by do exercising routine and regularly.

What is best exercise to lower cholesterol?

The best exercise to lower cholesterol is just find exercises that get your heart working more efficient and do your exercise routine and regularly. In fact, you just need to increases your physical activity level to help you lower your cholesterol levels, and no need to do the strenuous exercises.

Consider activities like walking, biking, swimming, exercising with a video tape, yoga, bicycling, jogging, aerobic activity or other activities that are low-impact and heart-healthy.

How much exercise do you need to lower cholesterol?

How much exercise do you need to lower cholesterol ? It will depend on your condition, current exercise level and your medical condition. You should always discuss with your doctor about the exercise that you are going to do it and make a plan and then try to do it routine and regularly to get effective results.

Experts recommend that adult should try exercise accumulate at least 30 minutes a day. You can do it the exercise by several shorter periods throughout the day, if you can't do the exercise by full 30 minute at once.

How exercise effect on cholesterol test?

Exercise effect on cholesterol test because being exercise regularly and routine will reduce the amount of LDL 'bad' cholesterol, increase the amount of HDL 'good' cholesterol level in your blood and help to make your heart stronger by improve blood circulation, and also burning the fat.

Now you've known that exercise effect on cholesterol test, so start to find the best exercise to lower your cholesterol and do the best what you should do to have a good health and good heart. Learn more : How Does High Cholesterol Affect Body Systems?

(c) www.lowercholesterolcenter.com

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Foods That Lower Cholesterol - 9 Foods to Help Lower Cholesterol

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Do you know about - Foods That Lower Cholesterol - 9 Foods to Help Lower Cholesterol

Good Hdl Level! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

If you have high cholesterol it will help a lot if you consume foods that lower cholesterol. Below you will find a simple but important list of 9 foods that will help you lower cholesterol

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How is Foods That Lower Cholesterol - 9 Foods to Help Lower Cholesterol

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1. Oats

Eating oats for breakfast is a very effective way to reduce your cholesterol. The mechanism of action is very simple. One portion of this meal gives you 1-2 grams of the so called soluble fibers. Studies have indicated that, if you take about 10 grams to 20 grams per day, within a month you will have your cholesterol reduced by about 18%.

2. Whole grains

Whole grain are also a very powerful source of soluble fibers. However, they are not as rich on soluble fibers as oats and that's why they take second place in the list.

3. Beans

Beans have the power to reduce cholesterol very effectively. They are also rich on soluble fibers. However, they have another advantage.When you take them, you will full for longer period of time. That's why beans are very useful for people who want to lose some weight as well.

4. Eggplant

You may be surprised to find this food here. However eggplant is very low on carbohydrates and at the same time it has soluble fibers.

5. Nuts

Eating 20 gram of nuts each day will reduce your cholesterol levels by 5%. However, nuts have other ingredients, which also protect the heart against the complications for hyperlipidemia.

6. Vegetable oils

Canola, safflower, sunflower. Use these instead of butter because these oils are rich on polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated acids, which will help you reduce your cholesterol levels.

7. Fruits

Apples, grapes, citrus fruits, strawberries. These fruits are rich on pectin, which could be classified as a type of soluble fiber.

8. Soy

Soy makes you feel full, fast. A modest consumption of soy and soy products (tofu and soy milk) could reduce your cholesterol levels by 5% or 6%, depending on your metabolism.

9. Fish

Eating fish multiple times each week will deliver you great result. The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish have cholesterol reducing effect.

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Blood Sugar Levels and the Type of Fruit to Eat!

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Do you know about - Blood Sugar Levels and the Type of Fruit to Eat!

Glucose Levels! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

When you were first diagnosed with type 2 diabetes you learned the extra weight you put on over many years, played a large role in you developing type 2. Carrying fat around your abdominal area led to your insulin becoming less effective ... this is known as insulin resistance, meaning your body had to produce more and more insulin to control your blood sugar levels.

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How is Blood Sugar Levels and the Type of Fruit to Eat!

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Eventually your pancreas could not produce enough insulin and your blood sugar levels started to rise. This is the point at which your type 2 diabetes occurred. Whilst sweet foods did not in themselves cause this condition, excess calories of any kind, sweets, cake, potatoes, sugary drinks and alcohol, or maybe not enough physical activity together with eating too much food, is clearly related to being overweight or obese. Add to this a genetic flaw and obesity makes you more likely to develop type 2.

Now you are at this stage you find you need to watch what you eat. Most people like fruit, and yes, you can eat fruit but you need to watch the amount and type you eat.

Eating fruits that contain high fructose or high fruit sugar levels, can lead to problems. This would be like eating pure sugar and pure sugar has a GI value of 100 and eating carbohydrates with a GI value that high would certainly negatively affect your blood sugar levels.

Actually health care practitioners who once believed all fruit was good for the body, have reconsidered that idea and can now see it's the glycemic index of the fruit that matters most. Fruits that rank high on the GI scale include:

raisins, they are  even higher than grapes pineapple very ripe peaches and nectarines cantaloupe and watermelon (but because they are primarily water you can eat one cup of them without having to worry about spiking blood sugar levels)
Lower ranking fruits include:

cherries grapefruit prunes dried apricots apple pears plums strawberries oranges
The key is simply select the best carbohydrate fruits ... low-GI, which are equal to fifty-five per cent or less on a carbohydrate ranking. Know which fruits have a high glycemic index and which ones it would be wise to eat in moderation:

half cup pineapple, 10 grapes, 2 tablespoons raisins, a half a large peach or ripe nectarine
This is one of the ways you start to gain control over your blood sugar levels.

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Natural Cure For High Cholesterol and Triglycerides

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Triglyceride Levels! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Cholesterol is found throughout your cells and in your bloodstream. Your body needs a certain amount of cholesterol to function properly, but it is when you have too much that your health can begin to suffer. There is good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. HDL is the identifier for good cholesterol and LDL identifies your bad cholesterol number. A natural cure for high cholesterol and triglycerides can help.

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How is Natural Cure For High Cholesterol and Triglycerides

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Excess LDL can build up in the inner lining of your artery walls and cause blockages that don't let blood flow through easily. A level of less than 100 mg/dL is considered a most favorable number in LDL. Levels of HDL are considered good when they are above the number 40 mg/dL. These two numbers combined are often used to assess the capacity for risk of a heart attack or stroke. Both good and bad cholesterol are made in your body and come from the foods you eat. Your total blood cholesterol level should be below 200 mg/dL.

Triglycerides are another form of fat. They are also made in your body and they come from the foods you eat. High cholesterol and high triglycerides often go hand-in-hand and are a determinant of heart disease. Your triglyceride level should be less than 150 mg/dL.

To combat high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, doctors will often prescribe medications. For a lot of people, these medications either don't work or they bring about way too many side effects to make it worthwhile for them to use.

Natural cures are available to help with these conditions. A product named Resterol focuses on adding nutrients to your system to help fight cholesterol build-up. Nutrients in Resterol have been compared to eating as much as two pounds of almonds, seven cups of sunflower seeds, half a garlic bulb, a turmeric plant root, 1 1/2 cups of brown rice, and the resin of a Commiphora mukul herb.

Another supplement choice is Cholesto-rite, which combines herbal ingredients that have been well-researched to provide the nutritional requirements to fight the build-up of cholesterol and triglycerides.

D-Herbs Cholesterol Buster supplement pills contain such natural ingredients as Apple Fiber, Alfalfa, Cayenne, Green Tea, Devil's Claw, Glucommanon, Calamus, Fenugreek, Guggal Gum, and Yunnan Toucha. This is a vegetarian formula that provides supplements your body needs, especially if you eat a lot of meat products. When your cholesterol and triglyceride levels are high, you should reduce the amount of fatty meat you consume as well.

Alfalfa is known as one of the good grains because alfalfa leaves have been known to reduce cholesterol levels and shrink plaque along your artery walls. Oats are another grain source that are given a lot of credit in reducing cholesterol. Oatmeal has long been a favored food in reducing overall cholesterol numbers.

As always, along with any natural aid or prescription aid, for that matter, you should watch what you eat and get regular exercise. Try a natural cure for your high cholesterol and triglycerides problem numbers. A natural cure using organic ingredients is always the best way to treat your body.

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Blood Sugar Level Chart - What's Normal and What's Not

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Do you know about - Blood Sugar Level Chart - What's Normal and What's Not

Glucose Levels! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Many of us wonder that how athletes could go through strenuous exercising routine without getting weaker. Scientific explanation of this is that body has an energy source. This energy source is the main sugar glucose level. The body cells extract energy from the glucose present in blood. This glucose was derived from the food by the blood.

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How is Blood Sugar Level Chart - What's Normal and What's Not

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Whenever doctors suspect the onset of diabetes in a person the most important and common test on which they mainly depend are glucose level test. Though this is not the only test; as series of test is required for diagnosis of diabetes. However the most common are two glucose level tests. Without these tests a person can never be diagnosed as diabetics; as sign of diabetes can be misleading as well.

These two tests are
Fasting Glucose Test Oral Glucose Tolerance Test
Fasting Glucose Test: Fasting blood test requires a complete fast for around 10 to 12 hours. If the results of the test after the required fasting are 110 to 126 mg/dl then the person is considered prediabetic. Any level above 126 mg/dl suggests that person is diabetic. No matter diabetic or prediabetic the person must take control of the blood sugar level in his own hands. The proper control is impossible with the help of lifestyle change that includes more physically active lifestyle and better food management.

Oral Glucose Tolerance Test: This test also requires an initial fast of 8 to 12 hours. Initially a blood sample is drawn to check the fasting level. Then the said person is given a sugar laden drink. Generally this drink contains 75 gm glucose in it. However for the diagnosis of gestational diabetes the 100 gm glucose drink is required. The blood sample is then drawn after every half hour for 3 hours. The results of the sugar level in different blood sample tells the doctor how well a person's body can manage to handle the glucose or sugar.

These tests are not only required for the diagnosis of diabetes but also to ascertain how well the person is managing his diabetes.

Once a person is detected with diabetes the main goal of his diabetes management is to control the blood sugar level and prevent the formation of spikes. Better control on blood sugar level will prevent the risk of many diabetic related complications that may include damage to the nerves, cardiovascular issues and even amputation.

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