Diabetes Glucose Level: What's Normal and What's Not

Good Glucose Levels - Diabetes Glucose Level: What's Normal and What's Not.
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Do you know about - Diabetes Glucose Level: What's Normal and What's Not

Good Glucose Levels! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Have you ever wondered how athletes go through strenuous activities without going weak? The body, scientifically speaking, has a source of energy and this is the body's main sugar or serum glucose level. The cells get their energy from the glucose in your blood that was manufactured from the food that you ate. When doctors are aiming to diagnose diabetes among patients, the most common tests that they depend highly on are glucose level tests. This test, though, is just a part of a series of tests and even your medical history needs to be examined. There are two major glucose level tests that can be done to know for sure if a person really has diabetes.

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How is Diabetes Glucose Level: What's Normal and What's Not

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Good Glucose Levels.

The Fasting Blood Glucose Level - this is a complete fast. To fast completely means to go without food and water from midnight until the test is done. When the test result shows a value beyond 140 mg/dl (and with this same result after two tests), then the patient really is diabetic.

The Oral Glucose Tolerance Test - when doing this, the patient is asked to refrain from drinking water for at least 10 hours before the actual test. This fast should not exceed 16 hours, though. First, blood is extracted from the patient and then he is asked to drink 'glucola' or glucose cola. This high-sugar drink usually has 75 grams of glucose in it (for pregnant women, 100 grams is required). After 30 minutes to 3 hours, blood is again extracted from the patient. Then the doctor will be able to tell if he has diabetes or not by reading the patient's glucose levels.

These tests are generally performed, to not only test if the person has diabetes but also, to check for the blood's current glucose level. Once you are diagnosed with diabetes, your main goal should be to keep your blood glucose at a normal level. This will reduce the risks that the disease will have on you and also the attacks (which include being lethargic, having impaired vision, mental dysfunction, being irritable, nausea and even loss of consciousness). In prolonged cases of hyperglycemia, the major risks are nerve or kidney damage.

One good way to monitor your blood glucose level is to use monitors such as a glucose meter. This is the so-called SMBG or self-monitoring of blood glucose. The good news is, there are now portable glucose meters that can be bought in the stores. This means that there is no more excuse for diabetics not to measure their glucose levels.

Aside from these mechanical ways to monitor your blood sugar, you, too, can help in maintaining the normal level of your blood sugar. Here are some basic tips that could serve as your guideline in maintaining a normal blood sugar level:

1. Make sure that you take your medications and stick to your diet program. Talk to your doctor about these things. If you can insist on some foods that you really want and are nutritious and allowable, then go for it.

2. Get rid of excessive body fat by doing regular exercises such as walking. A word of caution: Do not engage in any form of exercise program without consulting your doctor first. He will be able to gauge whether you are able to undergo more rigorous forms of exercise other than walking.

3. Stop your consumption of cigarettes and beverages that have caffeine in them such as coffee, tea and some cola drinks. Avoid alcoholic beverages as well. These are the most harmful substances that can greatly affect your glucose level.

4. Learn to relax. If you can, enroll in yoga or meditation classes. If you are not the type that would go out and join other people just to be able to get in touch with your quiet side, then you can do some meditations at home or listen to calming music. And, of course, the best form of relaxation is - sleep. Take the prescribed 8 hours of sleep for adults.

5. Limit your intake of salt.

Remember that your blood sugar is an essential part of your system. It provides no less than the energy that your body uses up! The best way to do it is still prevention. If in case you were already diagnosed with diabetes, there is hope! Just keep that glucose level where it's supposed to be, live a healthy lifestyle and you will be able to achieve wellness in all aspects.

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