Good Carbohydrates, Bad Carbohydrates and How You Can Tell the Difference

Good Glucose Levels - Good Carbohydrates, Bad Carbohydrates and How You Can Tell the Difference

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Do you know about - Good Carbohydrates, Bad Carbohydrates and How You Can Tell the Difference

Good Glucose Levels! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has created a food pyramid to improve the eating habits and the health of all Americans. The pyramid made carbohydrates the most important food group, suggesting 6 to 11 servings of bread, cereal, rice and pasta. As a result, people have reduced their consumption of meat, cheese, and eggs and started loading up on bread, pasta, and rice. But did it make us healthier? The answer is obvious - it did not.

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About Good Glucose Levels

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Good Glucose Levels.

That is why many nutritional experts say that excessive carbohydrates are not as healthy as the USDA would have us believe, or at least that not all carbohydrates are good for you. It is plain to see. More and more people are getting overweight, including even children. It is estimated that by the year 2030, 9 out of 10 people will be obese. On the other hand, high protein low carbohydrate diets showed that you can improve your waistline and reduce your cardiovascular risks simply by reducing the amount of carbohydrates that you eat.

So are carbohydrates good or bad? Both. Some carbohydrates can make you fat and increase the risk of heart disease. Yet other carbohydrates are healthy, they reduce the risk of heart disease, they are a good source of vitamins and minerals, and they help you lose weight. You see, there are different kinds of carbohydrates out there. That is why it is wrong to lump them all together, like the food pyramid does. Some are definitely good for you and others you should stay away from.

It is easy to tell good carbs from bad. Most simple carbohydrates are bad, and most complex carbs are good. All carbohydrates are made from small building blocks. These are called simple sugars. This is a purely chemical name and has nothing to do with how they taste, although some of them happen to be sweet. Three common simple sugars are glucose, fructose, and galactose.

A single glucose or fructose is called monosaccharide. (Mono means one). A combination of 2 single units is called disaccharide. For example, sucrose is made up of 2 units, glucose and fructose. Sucrose is the white table sugar that you put in your tea or coffee. Glucose plus galactose makes a disaccharide called lactose, the sugar of milk. Glucose is found naturally in some plants and in honey. It is the main carbohydrate in your body. Glucose is used as a source of quick energy. In a way it is like the gasoline on which your body runs. There is always some glucose in the blood, ready to be used by muscles, brain, red cells and other organs. There is also some stored in the liver and the muscles just in case you run out of glucose in the blood. This stored form of glucose is called glycogen. When we talk about blood sugar, we mean blood glucose. You can find fructose in honey and most fruits. It is the substance that gives honey its characteristic taste.

Mono- and disaccharides are examples of simple carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates, such as starch, fiber, or glycogen are made from thousands of basic units linked together. Unlike proteins, where twenty amino acids are combined in thousands of different ways, complex carbohydrates usually contain the same unit repeated hundreds of thousands of times. This unit is usually glucose, the same sugar you have in your blood. For example, starch, fiber, and glycogen are all made from glucose. In fact, most vegetables and fruits are made from glucose. Bread, broccoli, and bananas are all made from millions of glucose units that are put together in a certain way.

Simple carbohydrates and starches can be unhealthy, especially in large amounts, while most complex carbohydrates (except for starch) are good for you. This is because bad carbs quickly raise your blood glucose, while the good carbs do not.

As I mentioned earlier, glucose is important because the cells of your body can use it when they need to produce energy quickly. But if you have too much sugar in the blood, your body will try to get rid of it and bring the level back to normal. It does that by using a hormone called insulin. Insulin is produced by the pancreas and is released directly into your blood. The more sugar you have, the more insulin you need to bring it down. Insulin drives glucose into muscles and other tissues, where it is burned or turned into glycogen. If the muscles cannot take any more glucose, insulin turns what is left into fat or triglycerides.

Most people already have enough fat, so they really don't need any more. This fat makes us look bad and increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and strokes. If your blood test shows a high level of triglycerides it is usually because you eat too many carbs that turn into sugar. High insulin level causes inflammation inside the arteries, which can lead to hardening of the arteries and, eventually, heart disease.

Another way to differentiate good carbs from bad is by using Glycemic Index, which I describe in a separate article How Glycemic Index Can Make You Healthy.

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