How to Raise HDL Levels in Three Simple Steps

How To Raise Hdl - How to Raise HDL Levels in Three Simple Steps.
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Do you know about - How to Raise HDL Levels in Three Simple Steps

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If your HDL levels are low and your looking to learn how to raise HDL levels the good news is that it does not have to be too complicated. Having high levels of HDL in your blood is important, because having low levels could potentially mean excess LDL in your blood, which can obviously lead to heart disease. In addition to that it is also thought that HDL helps your body to fight off infection as well. So bearing all of this in mind here are three simple steps on how to raise HDL levels.

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How is How to Raise HDL Levels in Three Simple Steps

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How to Raise HDL Levels
Step one - Eat lots of oily fish or take fish oil supplements. The reason that you want to do this is because the body oils of oily fish contain a particular type of omega3 that helps to keep your triglyceride levels down. The importance of this is that if you have high triglyceride levels then your HDL is going to get used up by dealing with them; therefore fewer triglycerides equals higher HDL. Step two - Get moving. Having a sedentary lifestyle can have an impact on your HDL levels, and exercising is of course the obvious remedy to this. Before you get too concerned about having to join a gym or pushing yourself so hard that you go purple in the face and cannot breathe, relax this is not the kind of exercise we are talking about. Researchers have come to the conclusion that when using exercise as a way how to raise HDL levels it is the duration that is important and not the intensity; therefore doing something active such as brisk walking for 30 minutes a day will be ideal. Step three - Cut out processed food. Many processed foods contain trans fats, these are man made fats that can have a really serious effect on your cholesterol levels. What these fats actually do is not only lower your HDL levels but they also increase your LDL levels at the same time. These trans fats can be so bad for your health that so far at least two European countries have banned them and certain states in the US have now followed suit. To know if the food you are buying contains trans fats always check the label to see if it contains hydrogenated or part hydrogenated vegetable oils. These three steps are a very effective way how to raise HDL levels, although increasingly as well as doing all of the above more and more people are including supplements as part of their HDL raising routine. In particular, blended supplements seem to becoming the most popular choice, because not only are they are an effective way how to raise HDL levels, but they are also very effective at reducing the amount of cholesterol the body produces in the first place.

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