Stabilize Your Blood Sugar Levels by Avoiding These Foods!

Triglyceride Levels - Stabilize Your Blood Sugar Levels by Avoiding These Foods!

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Do you know about - Stabilize Your Blood Sugar Levels by Avoiding These Foods!

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Lifestyle is important in causing and even preventing type 2 diabetes. This is why type 2 diabetics should look at food as an important tool that can be used to control their blood sugar levels and their overall health. There are certain foods that it is wise to avoid in order to prevent:

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"spikes" in your blood sugar levels weight gain ... certain foods contribute to complications such as obesity and heart disease
Avoiding or limiting these foods will help stabilize your blood sugar levels and improve your health:

1. Sweets: Sweets usually contain sugars which will act dramatically on blood sugar levels ... you can prove this yourself with a few experiments with your blood sugar measurements. Sugars are found in a wide range of food and diabetics are advised to avoid:

white sugar artificial sweeteners (other than stevia) jelly honey and fructose ice cream and chocolates pastries, cookies, pies and dough-nuts canned juice foods containing, as a significant ingredient, products whose names end in -ol or -ose (dextrose, glucose, xylitol) corn syrup
2. Saturated fats and trans fats: These should be avoided because they increase your cholesterol levels and blood pressure. They are also known to cause heart disease and include:

most commercially baked goods animal products, processed goods and various fast food items commercially prepared soups

It is to your advantage to check all food labels to see if they contain trans fats.

3. Refined flours: The actual refining process strips away the valuable nutrients in wheat germ and bran. Foods made with refined flour should not be included in your diet as they promote weight gain as well as lacking vitamins and minerals. Refined flours contain simple carbohydrates which really put undue strain on your pancreas and quickly increase blood sugar levels. Misleading terms for refined flour include:

unbleached flour enriched wheat flour wheat flour white flour

Always chose whole grain goods over "fortified" products.

4. Alcohol: Drinking alcohol in large quantities leads to a number of problems including:

weight gain high triglyceride levels and elevated blood pressure nerve damage liver disease

In addition, alcohol makes it more difficult to control your blood sugar causing it to be too high or too low ... depending on whether you eat or not, whilst drinking. Type 2 diabetics are advised to have one or two standard drinks per day only.

5. Foods high in sodium: Limiting high sodium foods aids in the control of blood pressure. Sodium is often added during the processing of pre-packaged foods and include:

meats such as ham, bacon, corned beef hot dogs and sausages canned and smoked fish canned vegetables snack items such as potato chips and salted crackers soy and steak sauces commercially prepared salad dressings cheeses

When buying food products, always check their nutrition information. The symbol "Na" indicates that the food Increase your awareness of food contents ... virtually all packaged foods bear labels that reveal something about the contents. The FDA requires that packaged foods list the amount of carbohydrate, protein, fat and fiber in a serving. Also be aware of the serving size as maybe the serving size is so small it wouldn't be worth eating.

Learn all you can about which foods affect your blood sugar levels ... this is how you will be in control of your type 2 diabetes. No matter what you do, a healthy eating plan is "the key"!contains sodium.

I hope you have new knowledge about Triglyceride Levels. Where you may offer use in your everyday life. And most significantly, your reaction is Triglyceride Levels. Read more.. Stabilize Your Blood Sugar Levels by Avoiding These Foods!.
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