Why It Is Good to Increase Your HDL Cholesterol Levels?

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Do you know about - Why It Is Good to Increase Your HDL Cholesterol Levels?

Good Hdl Level! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Low levels of LDL and triglycerides can work miracles with your health, but low levels do not work in the same way with HDL cholesterol. HDL cholesterol levels always need to be elevated in order to obtain a maximum benefit for your health. HDL cholesterol is always termed as "good cholesterol" hence increasing its level works out to your advantage.

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How is Why It Is Good to Increase Your HDL Cholesterol Levels?

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Good Hdl Level.

Types of cholesterol and their functionalities
These terms LDL, HDL, triglycerides, 'good' cholesterol, etc., sound like some code words from a secret handbook. Actually, these words hold importance for everyone who wishes to lead a healthy and happy lifestyle. Cholesterol is small particles of lipids and proteins circulating in your blood. When you fear your cholesterol levels have increased your medical practitioner runs some blood tests to identify your cholesterol range. These test grade into four categories - 1. Your total cholesterol levels 2. HDL (high density lipoprotein) cholesterol levels 3. LDL (low density lipoprotein) cholesterol levels and 4. Triglycerides levels. Lipoproteins floating in the blood are categorized in three types HDL (the 'good' cholesterol), LDL and triglycerides (the 'bad' cholesterol).

Cholesterol is synthesized from the liver and is also obtained through dietary intake. Most of the cholesterol is utilized for various important functions such as vitamin and hormone production, body cells enhancement, etc. The excess which gathers through unhealthy diet forms plaques on the walls of the arteries blocking the natural blood stream and giving rise to coronary diseases. This is where the amazing HDL cholesterol or the 'good' cholesterol comes to the rescue. HDL cleanses the excess accumulation of cholesterol from the walls of the arteries and carries it back to the liver for reprocessing.

Various factors contributing towards low levels of HDL cholesterol
Now the question might arise, "How do you keep your HDL cholesterol levels well maintained?" Before that you should know, what are the perfect HDL cholesterol standard levels set by the Health Organizations? The most desirable level should be more than 60 mg/dL, if it is between 40 mg/dL and 60 mg/dL it's acceptable but if the level goes below 40 mg/dL it might elevate the risk of coronary artery disease. Above 60 mg/dL in fact can defend and provide you protection against cardio vascular diseases. Due to high levels of estrogen the HDL levels for a woman are higher than that for a man.

There are various factors which contribute towards reduction of HDL cholesterol levels. Some of them are extensive smoking, obesity or being overweight, high blood sugar levels or diabetes, sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercising, hereditary, high levels of triglycerides, unhealthy diet, age, certain types of medications, etc. It is highly sensible to work towards getting a higher level of HDL in your blood as it eliminates the fear in you of a potential heart attack or a stroke.
Increasing HDL Level and learning how to eliminate potential threats of coronary diseases.

Reducing your weight
Obesity tends to reduce HDL levels drastically. You need to work out a weight loss schedule and trim all the major fat accumulating parts such hips, thighs, abdomen, arms, etc. Losing weight might lower your LDL cholesterol levels considerably and increase your HDL levels.

You can raise your HDL levels significantly by exercising. Whether it is walking, jogging, aerobics, swimming, cycling, etc., it is bound to increase your metabolic activity and elevate HDL levels.

Cutting down on food high in carbohydrates and saturated fat is worthwhile for reducing LDL levels and increasing HDL levels. Monounsaturated fat can be obtained through olive oil, avocado, peanut butter, etc. and can increase your HDL cholesterol levels, keeping your other cholesterol count intact. Consumption of fibers also helps tremendously.

Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption
Giving up on smoking and drinking can stop the further deterioration of your health and can help you control your cholesterol levels and protect you against other ailments.

Natural versus synthetic medications to increase your HDL levels
If your HDL cholesterol levels are extremely low, then consulting your doctor might benefit your health tremendously. Your physician might prescribe medications such as niacin or fibrates to normalize your cholesterol levels. There are no specific medications used to increase the HDL levels. Resorting to natural remedies can be safe and effective, most of the time. Synthetic medicines though effective, can harm or produce severe side effects on you and natural remedies can be safer but slow to show its effects at times.

Working out on increasing your HDL cholesterol levels can benefit your health tremendously by keeping you away from coronary ailments.

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